Elephant Through the Eye of a Needle
This illustration is the world of Malaysian artist and poet Ashok Kumar Nandy, whose works range from basic human expressions to topics that delve into the synthesis of science and spirituality. Elephant Through The Eye Of A Needle is a depiction of a narrative found in the Vedic literature on the sublimity of faith and the endurance of the wisdom of humility over impudent scholarship. In brief, the brahman (a Hindu priest), as symbolised by the book in the illustration, when informed that God was threading an elephant through an eye of the needle reacted with disbelief and decried the account as an incredible tale, as he felt that it was impossible for such an to take place. The cobbler, on the other hand, as symbolised by the shoe, responded to the same account with praise and marvel, explaining his belief of the omnipotence of the Almighty by pointing to the development of a banyan tree from a tiny seed. The priest despite his erudition in scripture lacked faith in the goal of the scripture, but had instead confined the ability of the Almighty to his own powers of observation, while the cobbler understood the purport of the scripture.